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Terminal Veicular Móvel Honeywell Thor VM2

Part Number: VM2C1A1A1AET01A

Facilite a vida de seus operadores de empilhadeiras

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Atualmente em nossa décima geração de computadores veiculares, incluindo computadores para caminhões e empilhadeiras, a Honeywell possui extenso conhecimento com relação ao desenvolvimento deste tipo de dispositivo para veículos. Disponível em vários tamanhos de telas e sistemas operacionais Microsoft Windows, os computadores veiculares da Honeywell são otimizados para trazer ganhos de produtividade. O revolucionário computador de empilhadeiras Thor da Honeywell possui as melhores características da categoria, incluindo um computador separado de sua montagem para montagem e desmontagem rápidas.

Smart Dock: Enables mounting and removal in seconds like a laptop dock but with the ruggedness and sealing required for industrial applications; maximizes efficiency by dynamically shifting workers and computers as the workload changes, while minimizing maintenance cost by enabling a computer to be shifted from one vehicle to another in 1/6 the standard time Field-Replaceable Front Panel: Reduces capital and maintenance cost by integrating the two most wear and abuse prone components, the keyboard and touchscreen, into a user-replaceable part; reduces capital costs by substituting spare front panels for spare computers Ignition Control: Eliminates the maintenance expense and lost productivity caused by a dead vehicle battery; unit can be configured to automatically go into standby or hibernate at a selectable time after the ignition switch is turned off, saving time for associates while eliminating a point of concern for warehouse management
Smart Dock: Enables mounting and removal in seconds like a laptop dock but with the ruggedness and sealing required for industrial applications; maximizes efficiency by dynamically shifting workers and computers as the workload changes, while minimizing maintenance cost by enabling a computer to be shifted from one vehicle to another in 1/6 the standard time Field-Replaceable Front Panel: Reduces capital and maintenance cost by integrating the two most wear and abuse prone components, the keyboard and touchscreen, into a user-replaceable part; reduces capital costs by substituting spare front panels for spare computers Ignition Control: Eliminates the maintenance expense and lost productivity caused by a dead vehicle battery; unit can be configured to automatically go into standby or hibernate at a selectable time after the ignition switch is turned off, saving time for associates while eliminating a point of concern for warehouse management
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